The Love of RINO Salazar for Dictators Also Extends to Those Liberals Destroying America Today. Salazar Has Always Admire Those Who Hurt The American And Cuban People.

Maria Salazar Flatters and applauds Obama’s Betrayal to The Cuban People.

Being close to tyrants, assassins, and traitors’ DNA like Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, or even talking about traitors like Barack H. Obama has always been a great turn-on for Maria El RINO Salazar. In the same way, Maria Elvira Salazar was proud and honored to be near Che Guevara’s DNA, her admiration for Obama has always been clear as shown in the above video.

After thousands of Cubans die in front of firing squads without a trial, many rafters die trying to reach freedom, and many political prisoners were sent to jail for just exercising their right to free speech, Obama decided to renew the relations with the Cuban dictatorship. Such a step toward normalizing the relationship with the Cuban Dictatorship was highly offensive to the Cuban community in Miami, Florida. However, for Maria Elvira a great historic and glorious moment.

In the video above, you can see how María Elvira Salazar proudly applauds and flatters Obama saying that Obama’s opening of relations with Cuba was a “glorious” moment and that Obama’s betrayal of the Cuban people was very Noble.

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